Thursday, October 7, 2010

Waking Up to the Dream

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to build a house. For years, I drooled when I watched HGTV and convinced myself that I too deserved to live in a house straight out of a home interior magazine. I spent a small fortune on house plan books but never found "the one." We decided to take the plunge in May of 2010 and began working with an architect. We had the vision in our minds, but lacked the drafting skills to put it on paper.

In order to build our dream house, we had to first sell the one we currently owned. Our house had been on the market since January 2010, and as of August, it had only been looked at one time. Just about the day after I lost all sense of optimism and had given up hope of selling, I got a call that someone wanted to see the house. A few days later, they made an offer. We accepted...they bought it, and we closed around the same time our house plans were finalized.

And so the journey begins...stay tuned to vicariously experience my excitement over trenches and Ditch Witches.

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